Almost half of companies want to reassess sustainable investments

Investimentos Sustentáveis

External factors that have been challenging the global economy, such as the war in Ukraine and inflation, are expected to impact organisations’ sustainability strategies. 45% of organisational leaders have already said they want to reassess their investments in this area, according to Deloitte’s “Climate Check: Business’ views on climate action ahead of COP27” study.

While a large proportion of respondents admit that they may slow down on their sustainability strategies in the next 12 months, 37% of executives believe that the effect of external factors will be the opposite in the long term, and stress that they remain willing to accelerate investment in sustainability strategies in organisations.

75% believe that COP27 (which took place in Egypt) will generate the changes needed to meet the targets set out in the Paris Agreement.

“There is a dissonance between sentiment and action on the part of business leaders with regard to sustainability and climate: while many understand that the current situation is sufficiently acute to constitute a brake, on the other hand they affirm that the theme is strategic to guarantee profitability in the medium to long term, and that greater unity is needed between civil society, governments and companies”, explains Deloitte Associate Partner, Inês dos Santos Costa.

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