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¿Conoces las ventajas de la Inyección de Tinta?

Do you know the advantages of Inkjet?

We know that choosing the coding and marking system can sometimes be a complicated task. There are many factors that influence your marking needs: the type of material, the color contrast, the ambient temperature, the type of product..



What makes inkjet technology different?
We cannot say that there is a better coding technology than another, what does exist is the right one for each application. So let’s start with the main features of Inkjet technology.

What advantages does Inkjet technology have over the rest?
Next, we show you the cases in which marking with Inkjet is a success:

– Materials with difficult adhesion: Inkjet systems allow printing with maximum adhesion on any packaging material, both on porous and non-porous surfaces! No surface can resist it and always with maximum legibility and efficiency.

– Irregular, curved, fragile surfaces with complex printing angles: The advantage of contactless printing is that the shape of the product is never a problem for printing, the ink jet is launched from a distance from the head to the material, since they are designed to be implemented in the most complex spaces and print in any direction.

– Very small products or markings: Inkjet technology is capable of generating microscopic drops that are printed on any surface. even in less than a millimeter! Always with the highest quality and reliability.

– Demanding production environments: In humid environments such as dairy or canning or with a high degree of dust such as pallet factories or cement factories, it is essential to have equipment with high Protection Indexes against water and dust that avoid obstructions and breakdowns.

– Very fast production lines: Do you have a production line that works very quickly? That is not a problem for the Inkjet because it is capable of adapting to speeds in excess of 400 meters per minute.

Tell us what you need to code and under what conditions and we will help you choose the most profitable coding system for your company. With no obligation!