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Körber Achieves Zebra Technologies Validation

Körber Achieves Zebra Technologies Validation

Körber One Voice has been verified by Zebra’s Global Enablement Center to drive labor engagement in the warehouse



Hamburg, 28 June 2023. Körber today announced it has successfully completed Zebra Technologies’ Solution Validation Program for its Körber One Voice platform, which orchestrates voice-directed workflows for all warehouse operations using Zebra’s Android devices to improve productivity.
Zebra is a leading digital solution provider enabling businesses to intelligently connect data, assets, and people. Körber is part of the award-winning Zebra® PartnerConnect program.
Billions are lost annually to disengaged people in manual warehouse areas. These dynamics require a constant evaluation of workflows and warehouse technology.
Technologies such as voice play a key role by not only making many warehouse tasks safer, but by also making operations significantly more productive. Körber’s voice technology is intuitive by nature, can adapt to unique user language inflections and has achieved productivity gains of up to 35%, accuracy improvements up to 85%, and training time reductions up to 50%.
“Körber has been a global voice leader for many years, delivering market-leading voice and warehouse management system solutions,” said Daniel Dombach, Industry Solutions Director EMEA, Zebra Technologies. “Our Android-based voice-enabled mobile devices empower Körber to continue its voice market leadership, delivering cost effective solutions for customers. Zebra’s Enterprise Testing Program enables eligible channel partners to test the interoperability of their software and hardware solutions with select Zebra mobile computers, scanners, printers, radio frequency identification (RFID) solutions and software products, to meet user application-specific needs.
With an ecosystem of 10,000 partners across more than 100 countries, Zebra’s customers include over 80% of the Fortune 500.

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