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Sostenibilidad en Codificación Industrial

Sustainability in Industrial Coding

Sustainability in industrial coding is an important issue that can be addressed by implementing practices and technologies that minimize environmental impact and promote energy efficiency.



Sustainability in industrial coding refers to the ability to implement practices and technologies that minimize environmental impact and promote energy efficiency in production and product marking processes.

There are several ways to achieve sustainability in industrial coding, some of them are:

– Waste reduction: reduce the amount of waste generated during the marking process. To do this, coding techniques can be used that minimize the use of ink and labels, such as laser coding or inkjet marking directly on the product.

– Use of sustainable materials: This may include the use of recycled paper, water-based, MEK-free inks and other biodegradable materials and changing label marking to marking directly on the product.

– Energy efficiency: Implementing technologies and processes that promote energy efficiency in industrial coding can help reduce environmental impact: use of low energy consumption technologies, such as the new Inkjet UX2, thanks to the design of the pump, energy consumption of the printer in use is one of the lowest, at only 73VA.

– Recycling: Promoting the recycling of materials used in the marking process and the proper disposal of waste can help reduce environmental impact. For example, Inkjet ink and solvent bottles are completely recyclable, they consume every last drop and the plastic can be recycled in the yellow container, without having to resort to expensive recycling processes.

– Responsible supply chain management: We ensure that our suppliers and supply chain partners meet sustainable and ethical standards.

At Trébol group we have a commitment to society and the environment and our objective is to contribute to social, economic and environmental improvement for society as a whole.